
Miniature Greenhouse & Grow Racks

What are cold frames? Let’s review; they are used for 3 or the 4 seasons in the following capacities, spring: Before seedlings can be planted outside, they need a transition period of hardening off. This allows them to become acclimated to the outdoors. If plants are moved too abruptly from a warm greenhouse or indoor setting to the exposed garden, they can suffer stunted growth, disease or even death. Cold-frame provides the perfect interim environment while delicate seedlings adjust to the cool weather. It is also possible to start growing cool season crops like radishes or carrots earlier than normal. Though it is common to transplant directly into the garden, you may elect to keep them in the cold frame until harvest maturity is reached. Summer: This is the ideal time for plant propagation. If the proper soil medium is utilized, cold frames can protect environment necessary for rooting of tubers, or evergreen cuttings. Shade may be required during the hottest months. To prevent temperatures from rising to extreme levels, keep lid open at all times. This allows provides for ample air circulation inside the unit. Autumn: If provided with adequate moisture and fertilization, most garden plants will continue to grow through fall in the protected environment of a cold frame. Depending on the harshness of the winter and whether or not additional heating is used, your frame may continue to provide fresh cool-season greens, herbs, and root crops throughout the coldest winter months. Backyardgardener is the Largest Gardening Store in the World.

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